We got a pedestal table set about two years ago. With a pedestal table you don't have four legs to keep the top from moving a little, therefore a problem was created that I'm not sure why, I know how,...the table top wobbled a little ( which my DH tightened.) but the phobia had already presented itself, from that point on Claire would not sit anywhere without being able to put at least one foot on the floor. I think she thought the chair had something to do with the wobble, I tried to show her as she hung onto the edge of the table with both arms and hands for dear life, that the chair didn't wobble and dad was fixing the wobble in the table, no amount of reasoning with her was working, so ,now whenever we sit at said table Claire keeps one foot on the floor. I felt so bad about this, wishing she could just relax and not be so afraid...but I wasn't even sure what she was afraid of, falling? movement? All this because of a table ? It also made me take notice of some other things that I knew went on but didn't think much of, always shutting doors if left open, where people sit at the table, little routines that she has. They aren't bad habits or routines, just the way things kind of run around here. It got me thinking about routines, for awhile we didn't have a put in stone routine, my mom was living with us for awhile and things changed almost daily, but now we are back into a routine, morning , evening, bedtime.. and today ....Claire sat at the table without her one foot grounded to the floor. Is it because of a routine? more self confidence? I'll never know but I'm so happy to see her relaxed and animated in what conversation she contributes at the table, maybe one day she'll tell me what that was all about, but more likely not. and that's okay.