Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My first attempts at tatting

I've been trying to learn to tat! I love it!!! As you can see my picot's aren't equal in size, so I've more work to do. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep them a uniform size? If anyone has any suggestions at all I would be thrilled, I've always admired tatting and can't believe I was able to do this much. I'm hoping I'll be able to add it eventually to my crazy quilting stuff!


  1. Hi Wendy. It is wonderful to come across someone interested in tatting. You did well for a first attempt.

    You can get uniform picots by using a picot gauge. It can be a thin strip of stiff cardboard that you place at the point where you want to make a picot. Here is a link about picot gauges

    I use picot gauges for making long picots. Otherwise, I would just eyeball them. The irregularities in the picots make a piece of tatting unique and show that it is handmade and not like machine-made laces.

  2. Awesome first try Wendy! Your good girl, keep it up and lets see more. Now I'm going to your suggested web link by Jon and check it out.

  3. very nice for a first try. I myself do not use picot gagues. I have been tatting for about 7 years and still mine arent uniform it makes it interesting. Keep up the GREAT work

  4. Great start! Like Jon, I would suggest going to the link she left you. Another little trick not listed there, if you have a metal crochet hook handy, loop the ring thread that is around your hand from back to front to back over the shaft of the hook and then make your ds. This is especially nice if you are making a blossom with lots of picots. They are very uniform in size. Practice with just making a single ring with lots of picots this way and see how it looks? It may feel awkward holding the hook parallel too as you hold the ring thread and if it's too cumbersome right now, save it for another time.

  5. Wow Wendy, that's looking great! And so many helpful tips. Keep it up and I'll be right behind you at some point!

  6. Congratulations! That is an absolutely fabulous first try! It looks like you have got some wonderful tips from some expert tatters here!

  7. Hi ya Wendy! Come see my new vintage hunting finds that I got today!
