Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Raja Graduated!

Tonight Raja graduated from obedience class, she did wonderful and I was very proud of her. I really enjoy working with her. I'm going to sit in on a Rally-O class, and an Agility class and see which one I think we could enjoy together. When she is older and a little more settled I think I'd like to use her as a therapy dog. I wish I had some pictures of tonight but once again forgot camera ( so did my sister....runs in the family!) I didn't take my purse ( no where to put it). I'll take some new ones of her and post them soon. Has anyone done Rally or Agility with their dogs and if so what was it like and how hard to learn? Everyone have a great weekend!


  1. Yeah for Raja! I've not had experience with either of those classes but I think it's sooo wonderful that you are thinking about her being a therapy dog! Can't wait to see know..those things you get when you take your CAMERA!! LoL!

  2. Congratulations! Raja, and Mommy

  3. I'm so glad you visited me today, I'm enjoying your lovely blog so much that I'm here to stay. I'll be visiting often. Yay for Raja!!!! Can't wait to see photos of the furbaby!!! ;)
    ♥ Teresa
