Wednesday, May 29, 2013


This weekend I started a prayer garden  in memory of my sister, it felt good to dig in the soil and share once again in one of the many things we enjoyed together as sisters. Many prayers said as each plant was planted.  So numb but moving along. To all of you "Thank You" for your prayers and kindness during this time .  Wendy

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I will be absent for awhile as my Dear Sweet Sister passed away yesterday of a heart attack. Please keep my family in your prayers.  Wendy

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


 I finally bought the colors and started painting our living room and upstairs hallway, why is it I don't mind painting but I always forget how I Don't Like painting the ceiling!!!!  I paint my ceiling a white and it seems like it takes forever ( especially since we had to primer it first!)  I want to move to the walls and start adding the color!!!!...( Had to prime those too!)  So there you go I've donned my painting clothes , bandanna on my head, I'm off to finish the ceiling.  I hope tomorrow we can at least paint the ceiling instead of priming... Have a great week and I'll be back as soon as were done painting!  Wendy

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A throw of the dice

This year Claire worked on number recognition and number value, in order to make it a little more fun for her and help her recognize numbers I started playing games with numbers in them, we've got quite the stash now... Trouble,  which was also great for strength and fine motor skills ( moving the piece around the board, and pushing the center to make the dice pop!) Hi Ho Cherry O, Fish bowl counting, Gems in a treasure chest, don't spill the beans, and a dice that is 12 sided.

We've had so much fun with these and not only does it help with numbers but she's learned turn taking and I always throw some speech My turn....Your turn...what number is it, roll again, etc.  With Claire it's all about keeping it interesting, well I must admit it helps me too!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hankie Curtains

I've been collecting hankies for a few years now, anytime I go to an estate sale I look for them, I've used a few in my crazy quilting projects and have had a few thoughts about how to use them but never did until yesterday....... I found some wonderful fabric a few weeks ago and wanted to use it in my kitchen for curtains.. well that was great and there is enough for one window but the problem is I have 2 window!!  What to do?????  Alas my hankie stash and a little browsing on the internet and

Tahdah!!!! My Hankie curtains!! This isn't the greatest picture but it really is light and airy looking and will be perfect for my country cottage effect I'm trying to create. I think I need to get a couple more hankies to add to it to make it a little fuller... So what do you think???

Oh pay no attention to plugs etc. we're in the process of remodeling the kitchen and will have a picture soon of a the room done!! Can't wait!