Friday, January 31, 2014

OH Spring Where Are YOU???????

  I know, I know , it's only January and tomorrow starts February ( well yeah for that!)  but I can't  help wishing it was April, not that I want to rush the seasons, or the year, but I'm just getting tired of...well....winter.
 The freezing cold these last couple of weeks has been enough for me to turn my back on Old man winter, and Jack frosts paintings aren't even thrilling me at this point (although I do think frost on my window is beautiful as long as I'm warm in my house!)  Oh how I long for Spring. I'm trying not to complain so for now I'll just whine...  Here's to staying warm and comforters, and good books and tea, coffee, and warm happy thoughts! Think Spring!!


  1. Well I'm with you!! It's been snowy and too cold for two long and we have at LEAST 2 more weeks before we MIGHT get a break. It zaps your energy!

  2. I'm so winter weary that I'm sick of NEXT winter already! I'll get some cheese to go with our 'whine' :)

  3. I guess this is the kind of winter I remember from my childhood! Think I was oblivious then! Try to stay warm and safe. I'm trying not to "crab."

  4. Dear Wendy - I am so ready for spring too. Maybe it will come early - let us hope.
